. . .Art is not a luxury for our downtime, but an important contributor to physical and mental well-being. — from Your Brain on Art

There is something special about viewing a film together in a theater — the way the filmmaker intended!

Starlite Theater Group is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating the arts in Sylvania and NW Ohio/SE Michigan areas through the presentation of film and arts-related events that encourage community engagement and shared experiences. Our events consider age, background, and walks of life and include classic film, children’s film, independent film, documentaries, foreign works, avant-garde film and works of local filmmakers, none of which are readily available in our area on a regular basis.
Long-term, our organization looks to partner with other area non-profit organizations and expand into arts education for both children and adults — not only showcasing musical, theatrical, or cinematic productions, but offering high-level instruction as well.
Finally, our dream is to establish a permanent community multi-use space that would serve as a cultural hub for our community.
Linda Szyskowski, President, Executive Director
Ben Malczewski, Vice President, Development Director
Jennifer Kellow-Fiorini, Programming & Social Media Director
Sharon Lange, Public Relations Director
Jori Jex, Assistant for Grants & Fundraising
Marcus Hansen, Board Member

We rely on the generosity of donors just like you to be able to bring film and other specialized art events to our community.
We gladly accept donations of any amount through PayPal, check or cash.
Want to host a movie event?
We have everything you need! Contact us for details on how we can help you host an event at your venue.
4833 Sylvan Prairie Ct.
Sylvania, OH 43560
Send us an email if you would like to receive our newsletter directly.

The power of a theater experience with other human beings is undeniable. It’s a participatory experience — a communion between the film/performance and the audience.

Your dollars will help cover operating expenses and bring more movie and other specialized arts events to our community in the coming year and help fulfill our long-term goal to bring a multi-use arts theater and event space to the Sylvania area.
Our goal is to raise $5,000 to help fund our organization through the 2025 season! You can donate on
Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3 or
Donating is easy! Use the QR Code below to donate using PayPal or your credit card or send your check directly to:
Starlite Theater Group
4833 Sylvan Prairie Ct.
Sylvania OH 43560
Your contribution is tax deductible.

collAborating partners, sponsors, and supporters